
Casting the two new bells for Brighstone

The video and pictures below show the two new bells for Brighstone, being cast at the Whitechapel Bell Foundry on Friday 3rd February 2017.  This has given Brighstone a complete Whitechapel ring of 8 bells.

The video below shows the two bells being cast.  The metal was left to cool, cleaned up and tuned on an upright lathe.

The new bells will weigh 3-0-2 and 2-3-9.

One bell has been paid for by a generous grant from the Society for the Preservation of Isle of Wight Church Bells; the other bell is being paid for by the local ringers and frame and installation by a W+P grant.  A prize from the Association of Ringing Teachers (Sarah Beecham prize) was put towards air conditioning in the ringing room, and sound control was added inside the louvres.


As Alan Huges of Whitechapel wrote after the successful installation:

“As you may have gathered, this is the last major change

ringing project to be undertaken from our Whitechapel site”


For a video explaining how bells are made and tuned at Whitechapel click here.

Video file of the two bells being cast;
there are four bells in a row,
with the Brighstone bells at the back.

The video shows the slag being cleaned
off the top of the molten metal and the
metal being poured.

After the pour has finished, magnesium
powder is sprinkled on top to keep the
top hot while the rest of the bell cools,
which often flares up.

Click on the picture to play the video.
Casting the trebles for Brighstone

The two new bells,
hidden inside their moulds,
cooling gently. 

After a few days the bells
will be removed, cleaned,
and are ready for tuning on
an upright lathe.
Brighstone new trebles, cooling gently 
Happy ringers with the new bells;
seven of us were allowed to visit
to see the bells cast.
Happy Brighstone ringers with the two new bells 
The extension to the bell frame
for Brighstone.  The frame will
take one of the existing bells
plus the two new ones
mounted between the
steel beams.  The final frame was
simplified from this design with all
three bells hung at the same level
Extension to the bell frame 
Outside the foundry, at Whitechapel in
London; the site has been sold
and the foundry  closed on 12th June 2017.

Some more bells were cast
later on the 3rd Feb, and one more
day scheduled after that.  Then no more
bells from Whitechapel.

The foundry started in 1570 and bells
have been cast at Whitechapel 1738. 
The bell foundry 
The bells hung at Brighstone; two new
bells closest and the old treble (current 3rd) on the left.